Miss B’s Student Services is a Tasmanian tutoring business allowing students from pre-school to adults to become confident and engaged with their learning and reach their full academic potential, not only in knowledge and skills to succeed but also the confidence to use it and grow to be contributing members of the community.
Why tutoring?
Our centre offers after school and during school hours appointments in all school subject areas. Students have academic lessons for multiple reasons; to extend their knowledge, refine skills, because they have fallen behind their peers in school or to maintain grades and stay comfortable with their school workload.
Getting an extra hand is nothing to be ashamed of, and academic tuition doesn’t have to be scary. At Miss B’s Student Services we are committed to developing an individual program that we deliver in a one to one lesson that is unlike any other student who attends.
What programs are offered?
Our program is an eclectic approach to explicit, systematic and synthetic phonics and literacy education. We utilise packs that we have compiled together focusing on phonemic blends and contain hands on materials pulled from programs including; Toe to Toe and PLD. We send these packs home with families to practise for the week as this is the most effective way for students to learn and develop skills in decoding and encoding.
Students can also work on school topics or spelling strategies, reading strategies, writing and handwriting, comprehension and application as well as mental computation and written mathematics strategies.
We utilise hands on materials that your child can also borrow to take home so they can continue to practice and refine their skills. These games and activities make learning engaging and seem fun and often children will comment that they wish school was like this or that it makes more sense this way!
How will I know how my child is progressing?
All children attending for academic tuition are administered one or more Australian standardised test to highlight where the areas of strength are and areas that require improvement. These tests are administered every 6 months to deliver regular reports of your child’s progress. From these test we develop a custom made learning plan for your child to strengthen and improve their knowledge and skills. Due to the fact that we repeat our assessment process with students half yearly to ensure they are progressing and we as a provider are accountable; we recommend families remain with our program for a minimum of 2 terms. Evidence of students who have undertaken our program correctly by attending regularly face to face or online sessions, and completing the assigned work at home, improve by a year in 6 months at our centre, that is they can go from being 3 years behind to 2 years behind in 6 months.
We provide detailed records of each lesson to parents and undertake a brief handover discussion with parents at the end of each lesson to ensure consistency and accountability of our learning journey and this keeps everyone motivated and engaged.
Online or in person?
We are able to offer sessions online through our customized learning platform which offers all the interactive games that our face to face centre does plus video conferencing. Students don’t even have to leave home to access our service.
Within our centre we work one on one with students in an environment that gives one on one instruction, meets students where they are in an environment where distractions are eliminated and content delivery is optimized with engaging tasks.
Many of our students do prefer the face to face delivery but we leave this to the families to indicate which delivery they feel would work best for their circumstances.
How long are lessons and how often a week?
Lessons are conducted in 25 minute blocks weekly, this allows the student to work with the same tutor each week, build a relationship with that tutor and ensure consistency in their learning. You can book more than one session a week.
Free induction
All families that start with Miss B’s Student Services have the option to come along to a free no obligation induction, to chat about where they are currently at in their learning and what their goals are. This way they can come to our centre and see the space and the tutors and see if this is the right fit for them.